2023 Goals: June Update

Thiago Moreira
Thiago Moreira
1 Minuto

Ok, half of the year is done! I have to say that I'm pretty happy with the results so far. Two main reasons are responsible for that: good planning when defining the goals and the ability to track progress for the very first time.

This past month I completed the first goal that is "Attend to 2 trainings/workshop targeted to learn nautical skills". I thought that would be harder to do in the beginning of the year because not so many trainings/events were happening lately.

I also book our first family trip that will include a charter. With this trip in August I will move the the needle forward in two new goals.

But the biggest change from May to June is that I'm using a new tracking platform that I'm building myself taking in account the gaps that I'm facing using Goalify. It is funny how I like to build stuff that solves my problems.

I will be sharing more about the platform in the upcoming posts. The coolest thing that I implemented so far is the progress bar showing how much progress the user did (green color) and how much progress the user is missing (orange color) based on the current date of the year.

2023 Goals — June Update